Pradhan also accused Congress of misleading people on the issue of refinery, saying the previous government in the state had taken the decision in haste before the assembly elections.
However, the union and the state governments are committed for the project and the refinery will be set up in Rajasthan by HPCL,
"The project of refinery will be set up by HPCL in Rajasthan. We are working on a scheme for it because we want the refinery to be a profitable project," Pradhan told reporters after an MoU signing ceremony here.
"Such projects need long preparations and planning but the former government took the decision in haste during elections. The former government ignored interests of state in finalising the project but this will not happen in our rule," he said.
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Along with the refinery project, the government is also working on a project to supply gas to households through pipeline in 25 cities/towns of the state, he added.
Pradhan said that the government would also develop Delhi-Jaipur highway as a green corridor in which CNG based vehicle would be run.
"Oil India and ONGC will increase investment in exploration and production in Rajasthan." the minister added.