Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar approved amendments to the rules to limit the marks for interview for appointments to Class C posts to only 10 per cent of the total marks of written examination or the marks of academic criteria fixed by the Staff Selection Commission, an official statement said here.
Clerks, Assistants, Deputy Superintendents, among others, posted in different departments come under Class C category.
Haryana Public Service Commission is also being advised to make such provision in the recruitment of class A and B posts.
According to the amendment, "The Commission shall devise the mode of selection and fix the criteria for selection of posts for which requisition is sent to it by a department or any office.
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"As per the revised criteria, the number of candidates called for interview will not exceed twice the number of vacancies and the candidates having the same percentage point as the last candidate will be called for interview," the statement said.
Haryana government had earlier announced not to hold interview for the recruitment of constables in police department. Only endurance test, physical test, and knowledge test will be conducted for their recruitment.
The state government will soon fill 43,707 posts in various departments including teachers and police personnel. Those who have already applied for the various vacancies do not need to apply afresh but the recruitment in future would be carried out as per the new criteria, the statement added.