HRD officials said under this project, which to their knowledge had no parallel across the world, the number of channels would be increased from 50 to 1,000 and has the potential to be viewed on 167 million TV sets and benefiting a population of more than 67 per cent in the country.
As per an agreement signed by Prasar Bharati CEO Jawhar Sircar and HRD secretary Ashok Thakur today, while the public broadcaster will provide expertise in carrying the channels on a DTH platform, the ministry would focus on providing content of the programmes.
The channels will carry curriculum based content in almost all subjects being taught in universities and colleges. The would also be available on the internet. The channels will carry a Doordarshan logo and viewers will have to buy a Set Top Box to view them, officials said.
Officials said that the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs had in 2009 approved 'National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology' or (NME-ICT) under which the launch of 1000 educational channels had been envisaged.