Replying to a question by Rikhi Ram Kaundal (BJP), the minister said that all the purchases were done as per standard procedure.
When questioned about giving the purchase order to a single company without the permission of the cabinet, Bali said that only two companies had quoted for the supply of buses and one of the bids was rejected on technical grounds.
The Chief Minister told Suresh Bharadwaj (BJP) in a written reply that the state government was contemplating to make changes in rules and procedure for issuing permits to vehicles plying on sealed and restricted roads in Shimla town.
Ravinder Singh Ravi (BJP) raised the issue of mysterious death of a doctor whose body was recovered from a well, through a calling attention motion and demanded expeditious probe into the matter.
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The Chief Minister assured a speedy probe into the matter.
On October 15, a body was found floating in a well in Veru village. The victim was identified as Dr Rohit, son of Kuldeep Chand Sharma of village Bhati (Bankhandi) and no external injury was found on his body.