A day after a blast occurred at Hubballi railway station in Karnataka, police in Kolhapur in Maharashtra are investigating how the name of local Shiv Sena MLA appeared on a corrugated sheet stuck to the exploded bucket.
Police are also probing if the Hubballi incident had any common link with the Mumbai-Bengaluru Highway blast in Kolhapur last week in which one person was killed.
A senior police officer here said a cardboard was found stuck on the bucket with the name "Prakash Abitkar" written on it.
Abitkar is the sitting MLA of Shiv Sena from Radhanagari in the western Maharashtra district. He is seeking re-election to the state assembly, elections for which were held on Monday.
"Prima facie, some low-grade explosive was kept inside the bucket that was left unattended at the Hubballi railway station," he said.
When asked whether "Prakash Abitkar" mentioned on the cardboard was the same MLA, he replied in affirmative.
The cardboard on the bucket read: "Prakash Abitkar, Gargoti taluka, Bhudargarh."