HUL's stock ended the day 3.01 per cent lower at Rs 563.15 on the BSE. During the day, the scrip lost 3.34 per cent to Rs 561.20.
At the NSE, the stock settled with a loss of 3.36 per cent at Rs 561.50.
"For Q4 FY14 HUL's bottom-line performance was below estimates," said V Srinivasan, Research Analyst - FMGC, Angel Broking.
HUL yesterday reported 11 per cent rise in net profit at Rs 872 crore for the January-March quarter on improved margins and 9 per cent spike in sales led by beverages and premium segments.
Net sales climbed 8.9 per cent to Rs 6,935.82 crore in the fourth quarter, from Rs 6,367.14 crore a year ago. Overall expenses in Q4 stood at Rs 6,082.32 crore, as against Rs 5,555.46 crore in the year-ago period.