Police Officer S B Bhosle of Naya Nagar police station told PTI that the woman in her complaint yesterday, said since her marriage in January this year, she was being harassed by her husband and in-laws constantly on petty issues.
The victim also stated that her in-laws abused and beat her up when they came to know about her pregnancy. She said that her husband forcibly took her to a hospital and made her sign the consent form for getting the foetus aborted.
The woman also said that her in-laws took away the items given to her during the wedding totaling Rs 14 lakhs which include gold and silver jewellery.
The alleged accused are Sayyed Ali Jaffar (husband), Taj bibi (mother in law), Nasnajia (sister in law), Varis Abbas (brother in law) and Fazal Abbas (brother in law).
The five have been booked under sections 498A, 323, 406, 504, 506 rw 34 of the IPC, police said.
However, no arrest has been made in connection with the offence so far and investigations are underway.