Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, was against the plan of military intervention in Hyderabad by Patel, then Home Minister, Advani said quoting from books written by a close of Patel.
He claimed that the nizam was determined to stay independent and was threatening to kill Hindus in his territory.
"Nehru wanted to approach UN, as he did about J&K. We do not know what would have happened if Patel had listened to Nehru's advice.... Hyderabad would have become a problem like J&K but for Patel's pragmatism," the BJP leader said at a book release function.
The book was launched to mark the birth anniversary of Syama Prasad Mookerjee, founder of Jansangh, the erstwhile avatar of BJP.
Advani said the views of Kashmiri-speaking Muslims have dominated the state's political discourse and few people were aware about the sacrifice made by others in the state.