Hyderabad Police Commissioner M Mahendar Reddy, who flagged off five vehicles mounted with CCTV cameras at Tank Bund here told reporters that they would soon equip all the 120 patrolling police vehicles plying in the city under the mounted CCTV camera project besides installing them on Interceptor vehicles also.
"In view of the ongoing Ganesh festival and forthcoming Bakr Eid festival, five vehicles mounted with CCTV cameras have been launched as part of security arrangements," the Hyderabad Police chief said.
Keeping in view the immersion programme of idols of Lord Ganesha in Hussain Sagar lake, a Command Control Centre was also opened today near Tank Bund.
"This project will help in making Hyderabad a 'safe and secure' city. Under the mobile surveillance, the vehicles mounted with CCTV cameras will film after moving in different locations."
"This will help in enhancing vigil by keeping a watch on anti-social elements, who may create disturbances and it will also help in prevention of untoward incidents," Reddy added.