"We have collected about Rs 14,500 crore net towards Central Excise and Service Tax last year from Telangana. We expect the growth will be 14 per cent, as expected by the Centre for all India," Bhatnagar said on sidelines of 'GST Day' celebrations marking the beginning of a new chapter of transformed indirect tax.
He said there are about 66,000 registrations under Service Tax, 13,000 under Central Excise and about 2.93 lakh under Value Added Tax and 86 per cent of these registrations have been migrated to GST.
The website provides comprehensive information on all aspects of GST - statutes, rules, notifications, circulars, trade notices etc. The web-pages of the individual Commissionerates contain information specific to their respective jurisdictions, he explained.
The Hyderabad GST Zone also set up a GST Seva Kendra and have come out with 'Guidance Manual' for the centre.
Nara Brahmani, Executive Director of Heritage Foods who attended the "GST Day" celebrations said her company has reduced some of the dairy products following the tax reduction in the GST regime.