With Lok Sabha polls round the corner, this pre-recorded message of BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi giving his best wishes on the eve of Class 10 and 12 State Board exams in calls today to several students and parents on their mobiles has taken them by surprise.
The state BJP unit has turned the message to help beat the exam blues apparently into a campaign tool for the Gujarat Chief Minister.
The Board examinations of Class X and XII conducted by Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) begins tomorrow.
"Exams are natural in the life and 'our' hard work will give good results. My good wishes are with you that you will pass with flying colours in class X and XII and secure excellent rank. You, your teachers and your parents have done labour and it will give you a great result. Wishes again," Modi's message, which has astonished many, said.
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It was not immediately known how the mobile numbers were obtained to send the pre-recorded message.
"These are message for best wishes. It is difficult to tell what is in his (Modi's) mind but election, which is an occasion in democracy, is also an exam," BJP spokesperson I K Jadeja said, claiming that Modi gives best wishes to students every year.
"This is an outright political campaign. Rather than giving good wishes, CM should give good governance," Congress spokesperson Manish Doshi told PTI.
"Students are asking questions regarding fee-hike, poor infrastructure, monopoly of private tuition classes but CM has kept mum on the issue," Doshi said.
"Students also want assurance from him (Modi) to provide better higher education in reasonable fees, does he have any answers?" he asked.
"We will raise this issue of back door campaigning very soon," he added.