Accused Shantanu Saikia, who runs a web news portal, told the court that journalists were required to do stories on the basis of documents which were not in public domain and he was facing the "ordeal" for the past two months in jail because he also dared to travel in a domain not open to public.
"Every day and every night, I am facing the ordeal for the past 60 days. A journalist is required to do stories which are not in the public domain but I have landed in jail due to my profession," he told Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Sanjay Khanagwal.
As soon as the matter came up for hearing, the CMM told Saikia that the investigation officer (IO) was out of town and it would be better if he argues in front of the IO so that the court's queries could be addressed at the same time.
The court, however, told him that if he would argue then his submissions would be noted and clarifications would be taken from the IO later.
During the hearing, Saikia told the court about his health and condition in which he is lodged in Tihar Jail.
Crime Branch of Delhi Police has recently filed a charge sheet against Saikia and 12 others, including five corporate executives, for their alleged roles in the case.