Bharti, an Aam Aadmi Party MLA from Malviya Nagar, is facing cases and criticism from political opponents for a midnight raid against some African women in south Delhi, where he had alleged a drug and prostitution racket was taking place.
"I am not aware of procedures. If I would have known them, I would not have made these alleged mistakes," Bharti said while addressing lawyers on the eve of Republic Day at Saket district courts premises here.
Criticising Delhi police, he said, "This is the job of police, but I personally went there. I am doing this because of concerns of people who have elected me as their representative.
"Many took me wrong. My intentions were good, but it is projected in a wrong way," the minister said.
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"I am new to this system, so I may commit mistakes, but someone should come forward and guide me. This system has been formed by common people, so I would try my best to give them a corruption-free system," he said.
"Reporters present here will go and give their reports, but the persons sitting above are closely associated with other political parties and it is they who project me in a wrong manner," he said.
Besides Bharti, SCBA President Rajpal Kasana, his deputy Arun Rathi and over 100 lawyers were also present.
The Law Minister said more Additional Public Prosecutors in all six district courts complexes should be appointed to fast-track trials.