The 47-year-old, who made her debut with 1986 film "For Love Alone," said she wants to be a better actress and is inspired to improve by the likes of Meryl Streep and Helen Mirren, reported Female First.
"This isn't the life I imagined. In many ways, it's far, far better, and yet I look at what's possible - I mean, look at Frances McDormand or Helen Mirren or, come on, Meryl Streep - and I go, 'Okay, there's still a lot of room to grow and improve.'," Watts said.
"It's tough. The whole paparazzi thing is a big downer. I wish they weren't around so often. I probably should care more about the way I look and how I go out. But I can't - I'm a mom. I have to get out the door quickly. Some days I've got it under control, but some days I don't.
"I just wish they weren't around so often capturing those awful moments. Because let's face it: Everyone has their good days and bad days. But whatever - it's not going to make me change my life. I'm not going to be held hostage," she said.