The actress made her Bollywood debut with "Khichdi: The Movie" in 2010 but it was "Shaitan" which gave a glimpse of her acting skills. However, her career did not scale the heights she had hoped and the actress had to wait till "Pink", which released in September this year, to taste success.
Kirti is now raring to go with "Indu Sarkar", which is about a stammering poetess who rebels against the system and is set in the '70s.
"It was also good in a way because I have also developed in the last few years. It feels great to be given a protagonist role. I am glad to be a part of the film and it is the right time for me to do such a film."
"Indu Sarkar" is about the 21-month Emergency imposed in the country in 1975-77 and Kirti says it is a very important story which needs to be told and she is very proud to be chosen for this role.
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"I met a psychologist to understand a person with the problem. Since I am also playing a poetess, I am reading poetry and also reading on that period."
However, the actress says she is unfazed by it as she believes in living at the moment.
"I won't deny that when you look at a director's work, you are aware of the different works that they have done. For me, what's more important is my instinct about that person. Having a 100 per cent success rate is not my criteria to work with a director. For me knowing what state of mind my director is while making the film is important."
"I just go by what I believe and what I feel. If something brings me an award, it is more than welcome. I don't choose scripts with the intent to get an award.