The actor split from his wife of 20 years in 2014 but thinks they'll always stay friends and think well of one another, reported Female First.
"We'll always be friends, I hope. We speak to each other every few days and I'm very happy that we're not lie many couples, where people can become bitter and angry after their marriages end. I don't see any reason for that.
"It's much better to try and remember and honour all the beautiful and happy moments you've enjoyed. [We were married for] a very long time and I believe Melanie wants to stay in contact, as do I. Melanie is a woman whom I have loved, whom I still love and whom I will always love."
"We first met in Cannes last year, while I was still married. We didn't become involved until after I'd separated from Melanie. I had told Nicole that the situation was still unclear and she told me that I should call her once the situation had resolved itself.
"As soon as the divorce papers were signed, we started seeing each other and I'm very happy," he said.