The 35-year-old host of "The Kapil Sharma Show" took to Facebook to dismiss reports of the duo involved in a tussle while travelling together in a flight.
"(I) was celebrating my best time and suddenly I heard a news about me and Sunil paji fighting first of all, see where it is coming from, what are the intentions behind this. If I fought with him in the flight then who saw it and informed you.. Is he trustworthy?
He further admitted to have had an argument with Grover but said they fought like normal people and that all is well between them.
"Yes I had a arguement with him. But are we not normal people? I shouted at him first time in five years.. 'itna to chalta hai bhai' (that much is ok). We will sit and talk that where is the problem. I love him as a artist as a human being. He is like my elder brother.
Kapil added that they spend a lot of time together than they do with their families and sometimes such fights are normal.
"It's our family matter... We will sort this out... 'zyada maze mat liya karo' (don't put a spin on things)," he added.