Launching the 'Obelay Jodi ' album interspersed with his lyrical stanzas and 'Rabithakurer gaan' (Tagore songs), Joy said, there can be warts but when we execute the work of art it usually turns out to be a flawless aesthetics exercise."
The 'Meghbalika' poet, who says at times he is at a loss of words during formal 'lecture', said "For years I have been made to speak at programmes without my wish. If I could only write and pen my thoughts, this thought had crossed my mind more when I first came to the city and got little familiarity as a poet."
"The job of a wordsmith is to arrest the most pristine, sublime moment during his thinking process."
The Jara Bristite Bhijechhilo composer has a never before 25-minute fusion piece of Contemporary, Tagorean - Joy's poems interspersed with Tagore tracks, in the album and an audio drama blended with Rabindrasangeet rendered by Rabindrasangeet exponent Swagatalakshmi Dasgupta and theatre personality-actor Debshankar Halder.
"We are launching this album on the 60th birthday of Joy Goswami, The album, in three parts, was the outcome of a few months of hard work by my team," elocutionist Natasha Dasgupta, the brain behind the album by Orion Entertainment said.