As against the net collection target of Rs 7,448 crore for the 2013-14 financial year, the I-T department has already collected Rs 7,222.6 crore after adjustment of refunds from Bihar and Jharkhand region, Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Patna, R K Rai told reporters.
In percentage terms, the I-T collection from the Bihar and Jharkhand region has grown by 28 per cent as against the corresponding figure of 19.4 per cent in last fiscal, he said.
The CCL, Ranchi and BCCL, Dhanbad have been the two highest contributers of corporate tax at Rs 751.99 crore and Rs 396.04 crore this year, while in the individual category Team India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni paid Rs 20 crore I-T to retain his top position for the sixth consecutive year, Rai said.
Rai said that Bihar and Jharkhand region, despite not be a hub of industrial growth, has registered the highest growth rate in collection of corporate and I-T in the country by 28 per cent which, he said, was way ahead of Bhopal (21.7 per cent) and Bangalore (22.3 per cent).
"We have already seized Rs five lakh cash and one kg gold from Bihar and sustained efforts were on to track movement of unaccounted and black money in the Bihar and Jharkhand region as part of the income tax department's contributions to prevent use of money power in the general elections," he said.