The department's Central Processing Centre-Tax Deducted at Source (CPC-TDS) based in Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh has been instructed to inform and timely update the taxman about defaulters under this category, which is witnessing a 50 per cent slump in growth this time as compared to the last financial year.
While according to the standard operating procedures, any default of delayed TDS payment above Rs 1 lakh is mandatorily taken up for prosecution, the said data centre has been re-instructed by CBDT (apex policy-making body of the I-T department) to "generate a list of non-filers of TDS statement within one month of the due date and communicate it to the Assessing Officer (TDS) with a copy to the I-T Commissioner of TDS."
CPC-TDS provides comprehensive data on compliance behaviour of the deductors, defaults details, PAN errors, besides helping the deductor or the department to identity and rectify mistakes in this domain. TDS is deducted and collected from categories like salaries, immovable property, rent and few other heads.
According to latest data, the growth in TDS collections is less by 50 per cent this time as compared to the last period. In the 2013-14 financial year, the growth under this head was 16.73 per cent while in the current fiscal of 2014-15 the growth percentage is just 7.84 per cent.