Besides, challans of Rs 9.80 lakh have also been seized till date by the department, I-T DG, Bihar and Jharkhand, Ujjwal Chaudhary told reporters.
The seizure has been made from Darbhanga, Bagha in West Champaran, Director of the investigation department Kumar Sanjay said.
In addition to this, police authorities separately have seized over Rs one crore cash from different places in the two states, Chaudhary said, adding, that an amount of Rs 50 lakh was detected in the account of All Jharkhand Student Union (AJSU) as 'unexplained loan' from two builders.
Chaudhary said that the I-T department has deployed more than 200 personnel in the two states and was carrying intensive search at Patna, Gaya and Ranchi airports to keep vigil over passengers including chartered aircraft, private planes and helicopters.