The 45-year-old mother of two said she is self-aware enough to learn from her blunders, and is trying her best to not repeat them, reported People magazine.
"Everybody has seen that I make mistakes. Each time it goes wrong it's hard. I get really hurt but I have to let myself go: 'What did I do? What can I learn?' And as hard and as hurtful as things get, I want to believe I will be able to go one step higher. I've got to hope that if I keep going I will eventually get it right," she said.
"It's tough because I know they feel the void of that male presence.
"When Marc and I first broke up, I did think: 'I wish I could have held this together.' But when you realise it's not the right thing for anybody, you think: 'OK, well how do we make this work, how do we make this better, how do we make this great for the children anyway?'," she added.