The 42-year-old Latin singer had announced his sexual orientation in 2010, reported MTV online.
"It felt amazing. I wish I could come out again because that moment felt very blissful. It really feels amazing and then when it happens you realise all your fears were in your head.
"The amount of support I received... From the media, obviously my fans and my family was amazing. Unfortunately, society just pushes us to believe that our feelings are evil," he said.
"When I held them in my arms for the first time... It's about honesty and transparency and I want my kids to grow up in an open household where they don't have to lie about their daddy.
"Eventually they're going to go to school and they're going to be asked and I just want them to see it as my dad is the coolest man on the face of the earth and he loves me and I love my dad. It doesn't matter who he is or where he comes from or what he's made of.