DM Allahabad Bhavnath has been posted as Additional Commissioner, Excise, and DM Muzaffarnagar Kaushal Raj Sharma has been posted in Bhavnath's place.
DM Shravasti Nikhil Chandra Shukla has been posted in Sharma's place.
DM Mau Chandrakant Pandey has been shifted as Special Secretary APC Branch. Director Medical and Health Services Vaibhav Srivastava has been posted as DM Mau.
Sanjeev Saran, who was on the wait list, has been posted as Principal Secretary Forest, whereas Principal Secretary Rural Engineering Department Kumar Kamlesh has been put on the wait list.
Anita Bhatnagar Jain, who was on the wait list, has been posted as Principal Secretary Sports and Youth Welfare.