Director duo Shiboprosad Mukhopadhyay-Nandita Roy told PTI, "For Ramdhanu we had shot in the premises of two prominent schools in the city thus merging reel time with real time. This has been for the first time there was such a tie-up between two institutions and a film unit."
"The students milling around, the buzz in the corridors and teachers were not recreated. They belonged to the institutions who allowed us to shoot the scenes inside the compound. And this we did without affecting a single class," the Cannes-film mart honour winner for 'Alik Sukh' last year said.
"In fact me, Mainak (Bhowmik) and Srijit can be credited to give a new perspective to mainstream Bengali cinema, a shift from the parallel genre," actor-director Parambrata Chatterjee had told this correspondent in a different context earlier.
Coming back to Ramdhanu, Shiboprosad said, "The current crop of producers in Tollygunje industry are also contributing in the growth of meaningful cinema. If we are not backed by producers who have the vision, the industry won't have gone this far."