Markets watchdog Sebi Tuesday said, ICICI Bank and Chanda Kochhar have replied to its show-cause notices on the probe into the alleged regulatory lapses by the bank's CEO-on-indefinite-leave in lending to Videocon group and her husband's business deals with the Dhoot family.
ICICI Bank and the business dealings of the Kochhar family have come under the regulatory glare of Sebi and other agencies after a whistleblower has reported to the government agencies that the Kochhar family had some quid pro quo in its dealings with the now bankrupt Videocon group.
In FY 2012, the bank had, by allegedly flouting its own lending norms extended a Rs 3,250 crore loan to the Videocon group, which has since turned dud for the bank, which is though is not the lead lender.
Addressing the media after a board meeting here this evening, Tyagi, when asked about the ICICI Bank issue, said, "I think there was some reply to our show-cause notice, but I man not very sure about their consent application."
But when asked whether they have formally approached Sebi with a consent request, Barua clarified that "they have not formally filed the application."
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