The stock dipped 2.08 per cent to end at Rs 75.40 on BSE. During the day, it lost 3.83 per cent to Rs 74.05.
At NSE, shares of the company fell by 1.95 per cent to end at Rs 75.30.
The company's market valuation went down by Rs 575.22 crore to Rs 27,151.78 crore.
On the volume front, 12.35 lakh shares of the company were traded on BSE and over 2 crore shares changed hands at NSE during the day.
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Net profit stood at Rs 762.27 crore in the corresponding three-month period a year ago.
"Higher network running expenses due to accelerated expansion, increased subscriber acquisition and servicing cost, and multiple inflationary pressures resulted in overall operating cost increase," the cellular firm said in a statement.
The company further said that its margin was adversely impacted by one-time depreciation charge of Rs 1,954.3 crore and finance cost of Rs 875.3 crore. The launch of 4G services in 10 circles and 3G in some areas also had its impact on margin.