Former Haryana chief minister Om Prakash Chautala on Friday said if the INLD is voted to power after the next state assembly elections, it will implement the recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission.
"Farmers are country's backbone, if they are happy, nation will be happy and prosperous. After we come to power, the first thing we will do is to implement all the recommendations of the Swaminathan Commission," Chautala said while addressing a 'Jan Adhikar' rally of his party in Hansi, near here.
He said when the INLD was in power, the government had started "Sarkar aapke dwar programme" to solve people's problems, "but today the people have to approach the government and yet their problems remain unresolved".
Notwithstanding electoral setback the Indian National Lok Dal had to face in the recent Jind bypolls, the party supremo claimed that the INLD will bounce back in the upcoming parliamentary and later in the state assembly polls.
Om Prakash Chautala, who is serving a 10-year jail term in teachers' recruitment scam case, is currently out on furlough.
Earlier, Leader of Opposition Abhay Singh Chautala, his sons Karan and Arjun, INLD state president Ashok Arora, also addressed the rally.