DCP Rakesh Naik was shifted from Swaroop Nagar circle and taken off ground duty last evening after the incident. The matter was immediately given to a senior SP for investigation, Inspector General of Police Ashutosh Pandey said today.
In his letter to the state DGP, Pandey said that instead of probing the matter, Naik sympathised with Piyush Shyam Dasani, who is son of a prominent businessman and was arrested in connection with the murder of his wife, in front of the media and action should be taken against him for "indiscipline".
Meanwhile, Naik today claimed that he had no intention of sympathising with the accused but was only trying to calm him as he was repeatedly threatening to commit suicide.
The victim Jyoti's body, bearing multiple stab wounds, was found inside Dasani's car on July 28 in Panki area of the district.
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Dasani was arrested after he confessed to have got Jyoti killed with the help of his driver as he was having relations with another woman, police said.
Dasani in his complaint lodged with the police after the incident alleged that he and Jyoti were returning home from a restaurant on July 27 night when some motorcycle-borne youths tried to overtake their car.
A scuffle broke out between him and the youths after one of the bikes hit the car, according to the complaint.
Dasani had claimed that he was beaten up by one of the youths after which they abducted Jyoti and also took the car along with them.