Its net profit in the April-June period fell to Rs 101.84 crore, as against Rs 114.03 crore a year ago "due to lower realisation in industrial and commercial segment of piped natural gas", the company said in a statement here.
IGL posted 4 per cent rise in turnover to Rs 992 crore in the first quarter of the current fiscal, from Rs 957 crore in the year-ago period.
Product wise, CNG recorded sales volume growth of 4 per cent, while PNG sales volume declined by an equal proportion in the quarter as compared to last year due to decrease in the prices of alternate fuels available for industrial and commercial consumers.
IGL owns around 10,000 km of pipeline network in Delhi, Noida, Ghaizabad and Greater Noida. It sells fuels to over 8 lakh vehicles in the NCR through a network of over 300 CNG stations.
"A record number of over one lakh domestic PNG connections were provided by IGL in 2014-15," the statement added.