Additional District & Sessions Judge Ramesh Kumar restrained DDCA Joint Secretaries Ravi Jain, Ravinder Manchanda, Subhash Sharma, Vivek Gupta and also Members of Executive Committee Ashok Sharma and S K Chaudhary from discharging any function as the office bearers of DDCA.
The court passed the order on a suit initiated by Rajneesh Aggarwal and Vinod Garg who approached the court after losing the elections for the post of Joint Secretary (Accounts).
The court, after hearing his arguments restrained the officials to discharge their duty saying, "The balance of convenience lies in favour of Aggarwal as he was not allowed to cast his proxy votes and his right was infringed".
"If the retainment order is not passed, he will suffer irreparable loss and injury as his right to cast votes was denied in an illegal and arbitrary manner," the court said.
"Defendants (the six elected members) are hereby restrained from discharging any function as members of the executive committee/ office bearers of DDCA pursuant to their election in the AGM held on December 21, 2012," it said.