Outpatient services in hospitals and nursing homes in Karnataka are likely to be hit on Friday with the Indian Medical Association (IMA) giving a call for a 24-hour shutdown in support of striking doctors of a eye hospital here over alleged assault of a colleague.
The IMA member nursing homes and hospitals will shut down the OPD services for 24 hours from 6 am on Friday to 6 am on Saturday, IMA Karnataka chapter President Dr Annadani Meti said.
There are about 25,000 doctors across the state, who will support it, said Dr Dhanpal N, another IMA office-bearer.
Dhanpal added that the doctors, including private practitioners, will not attend to patients in OPD for the whole day.
He, however, clarified emergency cases will be taken up during the day-long shut down.
The doctors of the government Minto Eye Hospital are on a strike since Friday last protesting the alleged attack of a colleague by members of a pro-Kannada outfit.
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