IMA national president Dr K K Aggarwal, in an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said that the medical fraternity was "disturbed" by Hegde's induction and requested him to take "appropriate revision" in his decision.
Hegde had allegedly assaulted doctors at a private hospital in Sirsi in January, accusing them of notgiving proper treatment to his mother.
The CCTV footage of theincident had gone viral.
"Instead of taking any action against him or getting a fair inquiry done, he has been inducted into the Union cabinetand rewarded instead," he said.
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Pointing out to PM's remarks about such incidents of violence against medical professionals, by attaching a video link where Modi is seen expressing pain about such incidents at an event, with the letter, Aggarwal questioned "Then how come he (Hegde) has been rewarded with a cabinet post?"
Noting that "Vedas teaches us seeking forgiveness," Aggarwal said IMA, the collective consciousness of over three lakhdoctors, thought that after taking over as the minister, he would first apologise for his misdeeds to the medical profession.
"But no sign. Further making him the Minster of Skill Developmentand Entrepreneurship has sent another wrong message to society. Is indulging in violence and not apologising the 'newskill' to be taught to the entrepreneurs?" he said.
Stating that on the one hand, Suresh Prabhu was shifted on grounds of moral responsibility for train mishaps, but on the other a "tainted man" had been made a minister,the letter said that by inducting ministers like him (Hegde), a wrong message has gone to the professionals, especially the medical fraternity.
The clipping of a media report with CCTV footage showing Hegde purportedly beating doctors was attached with the letter.