Theme park Imagica has partnered with Green Gold Animation, the creator of popular cartoon character Chhota Bheem, to launch a character inspired roller coaster ride from May.
"This collaboration is first of its kind in India where a theme park is associating with an animated content creator to bring India's favourite character alive. It is an integrated deal with Green Gold," Imagica director Pooja Shetty Deora told PTI adding that it would also boost the retail sales.
The company is also exploring opportunities to tie-up with large experienced-based films for theme park rides.
This association with the Green Gold Animation would take the total rides at its amusement park situated near the city of Khopoli on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway to 25.
"It is expected to increase the footfalls at Imagica by 4 lakh annually and have a 17 per cent incremental growth in revenues across the businesses," Imagica joint chief executive officer Dhimant Bakshi said.
Last year, the company had clocked a turnover of Rs 240 crore. It currently has a total footfall of 1.7 million across its theme, water and snow parks.
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Bakshi added that the firm would be looking at showcasing the Chhota Bheem movies in the future and the association would also look at incorporating Imagica in the popular cartoon series.
The company, which is in the midst of capital restructuring, would look at expanding to Delhi, Bengaluru and Hyderabad after the process is completed by June.
Green Gold Animation chief operating officer and executive director Samir Jain said, "This was a piece missing in its merchandising and licensing space."