While the Delhi Police is gearing up to relaunch the 'Himmat' app with more features to ensure women safety in the national capital, the traffic police is working on improving its 'Traffic Sentinel' app.
The mobile application was lunched under the Traffic Sentinel scheme in December 2015, that allowed users to report traffic violations by uploading photos and videos and earn reward points.
However, some users said the app was slow while technical glitches arose when they tried uploading pictures or videos, sources said.
The app's data, which was till now being stored on a foreign cloud, will be stored on the National Informatics Centre (NIC) cloud storage.
"There is always a fear that with your data being available on a foreign platform, it might be hacked into or misused. But now the data will be uploaded on the NIC cloud and the threat to the data being hacked into or stolen, will be less since it is on the Indian government's getaway," the source added.