Khan accused that successive governments have used the Pakistan Cricket Board's top slot as a means of political patronage and of rewarding cronies, including the latest chairmanship awarded to Najam Sethi, "a man with no cricketing or any sporting credentials but merely as a reward for politically aiding the ruling party".
The result has been a complete collapse of cricket in Pakistan despite the enormous talent that exists, he insisted.
Khan said that he had travelled all around the globe playing cricket and the profusion of talent that he had seen in Pakistan is far greater than anywhere else in the world.
Fraudulent "ghost" clubs existing only on paper have been encouraged, while there has been no facilitation of genuine clubs, no support for administrative infrastructure and genuine elections at all levels, a statement released by his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party said.
Khan demanded that all this "wilful destruction of cricket" must end immediately.
He sought an end to fraudulent clubs, demanded proper institutionalised restructuring of national cricket so genuine clubs can flourish and identify national talent to give it proper opportunity.