The report titled "Crime In India 2013" says that a total of 33,707 cases of rape were registered in the country under Section 376 of IPC in the year and in 31,807 cases (94.4 per cent) the culprits were known to their victims.
While in 33.9 per cent of cases the accused were neighbours, in 7.3 per cent of cases the accused were related to their victims.
Shockingly, most of the victims are in the age group of 10-18 years, the report said.
Expressing concern over the rising crime against women, former Governor of Himachal Pradesh and Justice (retd) V S Kokje of the Rajasthan High Court told PTI today that the increase in cases of rapes by acquaintances is an indication of greater social malice.
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"This situation cannot be dealt with merely by enacting laws. Society has to take strong initiatives to deal with this situation," he said.
"This urge for immediate gratification of sex continuously sends signals to one's mind and (as a result) that person does not hesitate in breaching the trust of the woman concerned," he said.