Turmeric was sold at Rs 5960 a quintal at the beginning of the year and the popular Salem hybrid finger turmeric was sold at Rs 6459 a quintal on January 2. The price increased gradually and on February 3, it was sold at Rs 6596 a quintal and the hybrid variety at Rs 7191 a quintal.
Now the price has touched Rs 7000 a quintal and the hybrid at Rs 8000 a quintal.
President of Erode Turmeric Merchants Association, R K V Ravishankar said the price of the turmeric is slowly increasing at Erode market.
The traders and exporters of turmeric have received reasonable orders from North India, he said.
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The turmeric price at Nizamabad, Warrengal and Sangli are higher than Erode but only in Erode quality turmeric was available. In two months, about one lakh bags of turmeric was sold, trade sources said.
Within three months the price has increased by Rs 1100 a quintal of local finger turmeric and Rs 1500 a quintal of hybrid finger turmeric.
On Wednesday the finger variety turmeric was sold at Rs 6169 to Rs 7089 a quintal, root variety at Rs 5769 to Rs 6904 a quintal in the Regulated Market Committee.