Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held discussions with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who is here to seek investments in his war-torn country, on the entire gamut of bilateral ties as well as challenges confronting the region.
"We also discussed changes in the security and political situation in and around Afghanistan. I expressed to President Karzai our belief that sustained international support and cooperation in all respects, including in combating terrorism emanating from the neighbourhood, will help Afghanistan meet these challenges," Singh said at a joint media event.
Reaffirming the "shared vision of a stable, strong, united, sovereign and prosperous Afghanistan", he said India remains committed to supporting Afghanistan in its development efforts and noted the country's development assistance to Afghanistan currently stands at approximately USD 2 billion.
"We discussed the need to develop a strategic economic partnership, which will build on our economic synergies for mutual benefit. I also reiterated to President Karzai our belief that Afghanistan