The yet-to-be-named franchise, which would be fully owned by the Boxing Federation of India (BFI), will replace Mumbai Fighters, the team that had withdrawn in 2012 due to lack of support from the national body at that time.
The WSB's format will follow the three-group, regional regular season and global play-offs, with the Croatian Knights joining for qualification from Group Europe, while Group Asia having a team from India for the first time, the AIBA said in a statement.
In the Asian group the Astana Arlans will face China Dragons, the all-new India team and Patriot Boxing Team from Russia in Group Asia.
The Croatian Knights will begin their first season against the British Lionhearts, France Fighting Roosters and Italia Thunder in Group Europe.
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In Group Americas, Season VII Finalists Cuba Domadores will be looking to equal the Arlans' record and win a third title of their own, but face stiff competition from Colombia Heroicos and Venezuela Caciques.
The 11 teams will be able to recruit available national and international boxers to their squads. WSB has now closed its foreign boxer registrations for Season VIII, with 196 foreign entries confirmed from 42 different countries.
Boxers at the beginning of their professional careers are welcome to participate, the AIBA stated.
The deadline for teams to recruit from the available list will be mid-January.