Inaugurating the mission, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said India is resolved to match the expectation of its friends in the region to play a "more active role."
The event was also attended by ASEAN Secretary-General Le Luong Minh and Director General I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja.
Swaraj said the dedicated Mission reflects India's sincere commitment to intensify its engagement with ASEAN.
"Our officials are currently engaged in drafting the next five year Action Plan for the period 2016-21 for furthering ASEAN-India Cooperation," she said.
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The Minister said, "ASEAN lies at the core of India's Act East policy" which focusses on reorienting partnership with East Asian countries in the 21st century context to make it more "pragmatic, action driven and result oriented".
"We will also be happy to work with the ASEAN member states and other participating countries of East Asia Summit Process to bolster cooperation in collectively addressing the traditional and non traditional security challenges in order to establish peace and stability in the South East Asia and the Greater East Asia region," said Swaraj, who is here on a five-day trip to attend Asian African conference.
Last year, Suresh K Reddy, a veteran diplomat, was appointed as Ambassador to the Indian Mission to ASEAN, which is also headquartered here.
The mission works the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN and the Secretariat which is located.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) includes Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.