India can progress onlyunder the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said here today.At a campaign rally for the May 28 Palghar Lok Sabha bypoll here, Adityanath also targeted the BJP's bickering alliance partner, Shiv Sena, for "poking its nose" in the internal affairs of the saffron party by fielding former MP, late Chintaman Wanaga's son in the bypoll."This bypoll will not impact the stability of the government, but will definitely give a message that the country can progress only under Modi's leadership," he said.His remarks came hours after JD(S) leader H D Kumaraswamy was sworn-in as the Karnataka chief minister at a grand ceremony, which was attended by a galaxy of top leaders and regional satraps."I have come here to appeal to you to vote for the BJP, whose government under Modi's leadership is taking India on the path of progress. The symbol of this progress can only be lotus (BJP's poll symbol) and nothing else," Adityanath said.He alleged that there was an attempt to create an atmosphere against the BJP.The Uttar Pradesh chief minister took potshots at the Shiv Sena for fielding Wanaga's son in the Palghar bypoll."They (Sena) broke up Wanaga's family and forced him (the late BJP MP's son) to contest the bypoll," he alleged.Stating that it was an internal matter of the BJP, Adityanath said the saffron party would have protected the respect of the Wanaga family."By god's grace, the Congress has been decimated in the country. The enemies of development and good governance will also meet the same fate," he added.Without naming Vasai legislator Hitendra Thakur, the BJP leader said, "I appeal to the voters not to be afraid of anyone and vote fearlessly. If the law-and-order situation in Uttar Pradesh can improve, then the goondaism in Virar-Palghar can also be checked.