In a statement, the ministry said Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry received a phone call on Sunday from his Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj and the two leaders discussed bilateral relations and means of international coordination.
During the call, Swaraj informed Soukry that India supports the Egyptian nominee Ambassador Moushira Khattab to the UNESCO's Director-General post, the statement said.
At the same time, Shoukry said that Egypt supports Bhandari, who has been nominated by India as its candidate for another nine-year term as judge of the ICJ, it added.
"We found that the candidature of Khattab is a very attractive one. Both, the candidature Khattab for the UNESCO and of Bhandari for the ICJ are having mutual support," the ambassador said.
The UNESCO and ICJ elections will be held in October and November respectively.