Bollywood thriller "Psycho Raman," directed by Anurag Kashyap and starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui has been nominated in three categories including best actor, achievement in cinematography and achievement in directing.
In the best performance by an actor category, Nawazuddin is up againstManoj Bajpayeefor"Aligarh," Dev Patelfor "Lion," Farhad Aslanifor"Daughter" and Korean superstarSong Kang-ho, who is nominated for "The Throne".
In the category of best screenplay, two Indian films -- Leena Yadav's"Parched"and Supratik Senand Gurvinder Singh's "The Fourth Direction"-- are nominated.
The Asia Pacific Screen awards is said to bethe region's highest accolade in filmwhich recognizes and promotes cinematic excellence and cultural diversity of the world's fastest growing film regioncomprising 70 countries.
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APSA Film Director and member of the APSA International Nominations Council Maxine Williamson said "It has been a privilege and an honour to establish this Awards competition and see it grown in strength from year to year. How fitting that we have, in our 10thyear, the strongest competition to date."
The winners will be announced on November 24th this yearin Brisbane.
This year'snominees for the APSA Cultural Diversity Award, under the Patronage of UNESCO, areDmitrii Davydovfor"The Bonfire",Hussein Hassanfor"The Dark Wind",Mustafa Karafor"Cold of Kalandar",Tamer El Saidfor"In the Last Days of the City" andWang Xuebofor"Knife in the Clear Water".
Chair of the APSA International Nominations Council, Professor Hong-Joon Kim said "The 10thAPSA Competition has been a unique year in terms of the level of diversity amongst the films.
"In watching the 135 films in the feature narrative competition we saw diversity of everything - commercial vs arthouse films, big industry vs small independent films, different nations and countries representing the major film producing nations, and the developing screen culture from countries with young film industries.