According to Col Rohan Anand, spokesperson for the Indian Army, the joint exercise will be conducted for 13 days at Magelang, Indonesiain which an Indian Army platoon strength contingent will carry out cross training with a platoon from the Airborne battalion of the Indonesian Army. The selected Indian unit has had varied operational experience in Counter Insurgency and Counter Terrorist operations in the Northern, Western and Eastern theatres. The Indian Contingent has been put through a rigorous training schedule to prepare it for the exercise which includes combat conditioning, firing, tactical operations, tactical skills and special heliborne operations training.
Anand said the aim of the exercise is to build and promote positive relations between the armies of India and Indonesia and to enhance the ability of Indian and Indonesian Army to undertake joint tactical level operations in a Counter Insurgency environment under United Nations Charter.
It also includes the ambit of identifying areas of expertise/ specialisation of each other, evolution of combat tactical drills for conduct of tactical Counter Insurgency operations and to undertake combined training for neutralisation of insurgency threat.
To coordinate modalities of the training exercise, anExercise Planning Conferencewas held atYogyakarta, Indonesia on 22 and 23 September 2015.