The MoUs signed separately by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) with RIKEN, a Japanese multidisciplinary research organisation, are expected to help research in the fields of biology, life sciences, material sciences and computational sciences.
Speaking at the event, Noyori Ryogi, President of RIKEN and a Nobel Laureate, said "with these MOUs, we look forward to seeing lively discussions with Indian scientists and work together."
T Madhan Mohan, Advisor in the DBT, said "there can be exchange of information in research and development and exchange of scientists. Further, students can seek doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships ."
"A huge foundation of interaction is already there in field of cell and developmental biology with the NCBS and material sciences with the JNCASR. These MOUs will allow researchers to work in a seamless manner," said Dr K Vijay Raghvan, secretary DBT.
Taking the collaboration forward, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the both the countries have decided to have direct interactions.