Grown mostly on the slopes of Western Ghats in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, cultivation base of pepper has come down sharply in the last decade hitting production and export.
According to pepper growers and traders, factors ranging from vagaries of climate to afflictions wilting pepper vines, contributed to fall in production and shrinkage of cultivated area.
Statistics of the International Pepper Community (IPC) show the area under pepper cultivation in India dwindled from 218,670 hectares in 2001 to 182,000 hectares in 2010.
With the cultivated area shrinking steadily in India, pepper production also fell to 50,000 tons by 2010 from 79,000 ten years ago. In Kerala alone, area under pepper cultivation fell from 172,182 Ha to 85,335 Ha in a single year from 2010-11 and production plummeted to 37989 tons from 45267 tonnes, according to the state's Economic Review.
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According to Spices Board, export of Indian pepper in 2012-13 came down by 40 per cent compared to the previous year. While the country shipped 26,700 tonnes of pepper in 2011-12, exports fell to 16,000 tonnes in 2012-13.
"This certainly is a worrying trend, which requires some urgent measures to support farmers. We have certain schemes for pepper under the National Horticulture Mission," a Spices Board official told PTI.
According to farmers, who mostly grow pepper as an inter- crop, production suffered from afflictions like root-wilt and slow-wilt and also price fluctuation, forcing them to abandon the enterprise in prime pepper areas like Wayanad and Idukki.