"We made a big bet on India", which has the possibilities and "may be probability of being the very top emerging BRICS country. And being candid, under the leadership of Mr Modi, I think the probabilities of that happening are extremely good," said the outgoing CEO.
Chambers said this in a joint press conference with the incoming CEO Chuck Robbins. The two are expected to be in India on June 18 and 19.
Chambers said he and Chuck are very bullish on India.
The Indian Prime Minister has grasped the importance of digitisation, development of smart cities, broadband to every citizen, healthcare, education and job creation to change the lives of the people, he said.
Recalling his statement during the time of the elections in India Chambers said, "My views have not changed at all. If I bet on one emerging market that had to be double down on India and we have doubled down."