Delivering the inaugural key note address at the 3rd two-day Pune Dialogue on National Security (PDNS)- 2017 here, Raja Mohan mainly focused on the changing world order and its impact on the country.
While speaking about the recent developments such as Brexit and US elections, he said, "Many of the Western countries are now taking a step back on globalisation. India has been hugely benefited by globalisation. As the assumption of it being inevitable has been shaken, it is time for India to have a concrete policy framework and her own stand on various issues in the international scenario".
Raja Mohan said assumptions such as USA would always be the world order; the rise of China can be curtailed; globalisation is here to stay and that west would always dominate the relations in the Indian sub-continent, have been challenged.
"The rise of China as the world's second largest economy has been the most impactful event. China has capitalised on its fast growth and huge availability of capital. We can now find China replacing USA as a world leader. Also, in the Asian sub-continent, it has a presence in every country and has almost replaced India as a dominant force," Raja Mohan said.
The conference will discuss various aspects and issues related to the national security and its global significance today and tomorrow.