In a written reply in Lok Sabha, Minister of State for Health Faggan Singh Kulaste said the WHO had published a document 'An R&D blueprint for action to prevent epidemics- funding and coordination models for preparedness and response' and asked member countries, including India, to develop a research and development blueprint during epidemics.
"Accordingly, CEPI has been founded by governments of India (Department of Biotechnology, Indian Council of Medical Research and Department of Health) and Norway, the Welcome Trust, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum in collaboration with industry, other governments, foundations regulatory bodies, civil society and the WHO.
With an objective to tackle disease outbreaks due to epidemic-prone diseases, the government has launched Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme which is implemented in all states and UTs.
Besides a network of viral research and diagnostic laboratories has been set up across the country to deal with epidemic of diseases of viral origin, he said.